viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

Physical Therapy website

I don't have a favourite web site, because in the last time I don't have much time to be in the ciberspace.However, the last month I found an interesting website about my career, this web is a blog where you can find a lot of INFORMATION related with physical therapy.
This web site is very useful when I want some information about my career.Also in this web I can find books and download them. The other day I downloaded the " Netter" , a book about anatomy and it was very slow, but finally I got it.

I found this website because one person of my class provided a link in our email( and I clicked it and I found this page.

I used to visit this website once or twice a week, but since I don't use as much internet as I did before, the 'surfing-on-the-net' rate has been falling down.

The main reason that I like this website is because I can download the books that are very important in my career (yeah, I know that I'm doing illegal stuff, but I don't have money to buy those expensive books). Secondary reasons that make it a very good website are: it has notes, links to other related sites and blogs, it has news about coming physical therapy conferences or lectures, and it is constantly being updated with new things.
The link to the website I've been writing about is:

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